Vertigo, 2011 , Oil on Canvas, 80x60cm
Secret #1, 2011, oil on canvas, 40x30cm
Secret #2, 2011, oil on canvas, 40x30cm
Error y Corrección, 2010, oil and graphite on board
Error y Corrección (detail), 2010, oil and graphite on board, 42.5x32.5
Error y Corrección (detail), 2010, oil and graphite on board, 42.5x32.5
Error y Corrección (detail), 2010, oil and graphite on board, 42.5x32.5
Error y Corrección (detail), 2010, oil and graphite on board, 42.5x32.5
MORATORIA #1,2010, Oil on Canvas, 82x56cm
MORATORIA #1,2010, Oil on Canvas, 82x56cm
MORATORIA #1,2010, Oil on Canvas, 82x56cm
MORATORIA #1,2010, Oil on Canvas, 82x56cm